The Top 6 Reasons Why Organic Content is Important for Your Brand

When it comes to content marketing, organic content is still the go to secret weapon for brands. Despite the rise of paid advertising and sponsored content, organic content continues to be the most important type of content for brands. Here are the top 6 reasons why organic content is so important for your brand.

1. It builds trust with your audience.

Organic content allows you to build trust with your audience by providing them with information that is not biased or influenced by sponsors. When you provide your audience with honest, unbiased information, they are more likely to trust you and continue doing business with you in the future.

2. It establishes you as an expert in your field.

By creating high-quality, informative content, you are establishing yourself and your brand as experts in your field. This is especially important if you are a new brand or if you are trying to break into a new market. By showing your audience that you know what you’re talking about, you’ll be more likely to earn their trust and their business.

3. It helps you rank higher in search engines.

One of the main goals of SEO is to help your website rank higher in search engines so that more people can find you when they’re searching for keywords related to your business. And one of the best ways to do this is by creating organic content that includes those keywords. When search engines see that you’re using relevant keywords in your content, they’ll be more likely to rank you higher on their results pages.

4. It drives traffic to your website or blog.

Organic content is also a great way to drive traffic to your website or blog. When people see high-quality, informative content on your site, they’re more likely to stick around and explore other parts of your site. This can lead to more sales or leads for your business down the road.

5. It’s more cost-effective than paid advertising.

Organic content is much more cost-effective than paid advertising methods like Google AdWords or Facebook Ads. With organic content, you don’t have to pay anything upfront; all you need is time and resources to create quality content. Paid advertising can be effective, but it can also be very expensive – if you’re on a tight budget, organic content should be your go-to choice.

6. It Allows You to Connect with Your Audience on a Deeper Level

Finally, organic content also allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level. When you produce content that is genuinely interesting and useful, people will be more likely to read it—and share it with their friends and followers. This, in turn, will help you reach a wider audience and build a stronger connection with the people who matter most to your business.


As you can see, there are many good reasons why organic content is so important for brands. If you want to build trust with your audience, establish yourself as an expert in your field, rank higher in search engines, or just save some money, focus on creating quality organic content for your site, social media or blog!

Need some help getting started? There’s no better place to start creating effective organic content then with FIN Creative! Our expert team will learn what makes your brand special and will bring forward our resources and years of experience to help grow your brand through creative and engaging video and branded content. Contact us today to learn more about video marketing and how we can help improve your brand’s digital content strategy!

Top 5 Reasons Why Video is So Important for Brands in 2022

Video production with two business leaders talking

People always say that content is king—and in 2022, it’s all about video. Today in the United States, there are more than 200 million homes with internet, and an estimated 50 million more will join by 2024. As a result, creative content (like video) has this unique ability to reach people wherever they are—which is good news for your brand.

To survive in today’s digital landscape, brands use video as a key component of their organic and paid marketing strategies. It helps them stay current with marketing trends and have an edge on competitors. With all of that in mind, here are the top five reasons why video is so crucial for brands in 2022 and how you can improve your content marketing with creative and engaging video content.

1. It’s the Best Way to Show People What You Offer

Traditional marketing tells people precisely what their business can offer, but videos communicate and engage with its audience on an entirely different level. A thoughtfully produced video can show prospective buyers the what and the why of your product or service, sometimes without even saying a single word.

As a result, it has helped brands like Nike, Apple, and Starbucks become household names (see Apple’s “Misunderstood” Christmas Ad). It is the best way to not only show who you are as a brand, but to also deeply connect with your audience. This is what leads to prospective buyers taking action. This is what leads to brand growth.

2. Short Attention Spans Need Short Form Content

In today's world, we have significantly shorter attention spans than in past decades. As a result, people are turning to short-form content like video. Because everything is instantly accessible, marketers now need to communicate precisely what it is they need to say, but in a shorter amount of time. When done right, video can capture an audience's attention and deliver its messaging, often in just a few seconds.

Want to learn more about making videos that capture your audiences attention in just a few seconds? Check out our blog post, “The 5 Second Hook”.

3. Videos Are the Most Shared Form of Content

Did you know that videos are the most heavily shared form of content today? According to a study from 2020, over 720,000 hours of video are shared daily, and this number has surely only increased in the last few years. Video content is currently one of the most popular and accessible ways to share information. This means you'll reach your audience much faster than traditional methods of marketing. 

4. Find New Demographics

Remember what was said about how video is shared more than any other form of content? It turns out this broad distribution of video content creates the perfect opportunity for your brand to be discovered by new demographics. In fact, more than 90% of all global shoppers find new brands on YouTube alone. This represents a higher viewership than any other form of social media, and your brand could be next!

5. Build Trust with Your Customers

The last reason video is so vital for brands today is because it has the ability to build more trust than any other form of content. Customers will trust your brand when you present visual evidence of your value. But for this to work, brands benefit most by posting consistent branded content on a regular basis.

More importantly, your content must be clear and meaningful to your audience. You must show them why they should trust you over others. The more you show them, the more they will trust you, and the more successful your videos and overall brand value will be in the long term.

Improve Your Video Marketing Today!

If you want to begin improving your video marketing, there are plenty of ways to start. As the centerpiece of a competitive modern brand, your videos should be engaging and professional and just long enough to convey your point. To help create and implement a video strategy into your marketing plan and reach new customers, your brand may choose to work with a video marketing agency. 

At FIN Creative we help brands create engaging video content that converts. Contact us today to learn more about video marketing and how we can help improve your brand’s digital marketing strategy.

The 5 second hook


The average smartphone viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes (Brandwatch).

The average smartphone viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes (Brandwatch).

Five seconds. That’s how long you have to grab your viewers attention with your video.

We live in a world that is incredibly over-saturated with digital video content. Everybody from eCommerce brands to your friends grandmother are sharing online videos on a daily basis. With so much video going around, how are you supposed to stand out?

Below I’ve compiled a list of the top 5 things you should do to drive engagement in your digital videos and increase watch time:

1. Capture your viewer in the first 5 seconds.

You may have heard this one before, but that’s because it is incredibly important, and when done right can lead to a successful video.

When you are editing your video, don’t try to create a catchy intro right away. Start by editing your story as it would flow naturally and once you’ve completed the narrative, go back in your timeline, and find the most outrageous, insane or otherwise raunchy part of the video and copy that to the very beginning. By doing this, you’re setting the viewer up to desire more of that thrill. This “teaser” intro should not exceed 20 seconds and should be cut down as tightly as possible to ensure a captivating opening to your video.

2. Make sure something happens every 3-5 seconds

Okay so you’ve captured the viewer for the first 20 seconds…now what? You can’t simply provide boring dialogue from here on or else your viewer will quickly click away to another brands related video.

Video content is a visual and auditory medium that can be dressed up to engage and bring excitement to the audience. With that being said, use anything and everything you can to help complement your story being told. This can be anything from sound fx to stock music, flashy transitions, visual fx, color correction and so much more. Get creative here and have fun with it!

3. Thumbnail

At this point you’ve created a super tightly edited video that hooks the viewer and keeps them excited throughout. But how did the viewer get to your video in the first place?

As mentioned before, the internet is incredibly over-saturated with video content, and standing out can be difficult. While it is hard to shine through the competition, a good thumbnail will do wonders for you.

So what makes a good thumbnail? That depends on a whole laundry list of things from your intended audience to your branding and of course, what the video is about. You could be making a video about watching paint dry, an arguably boring piece of content. But how you spin and position the thumbnail will effect how many clicks you ultimately get. So how do you pull this off?

Remember when you were looking for the most engaging part of your video to place in the very beginning as your intro? Think back to that sequence and figure out why you chose the clip that you did. What about that part made it engaging or appealing? In fact, that part of creating the video is very similar to answering the question of what to put in your thumbnail. It has to be witty, it has to be visually motivated and it has to jump off the screen.

4. Title

So now you have a great thumbnail, but that’s only half of your ability to advertise. Next, is your title.

A good title is clever, in that it makes the viewer eager or interested by the subject matter. This can be something ironic, an opposition from the norm or something crazy (like bungee jumping from a helicopter with Will Smith). Will Smith (in this example from YouTuber, Yes Theory) is great click bait , especially in the YouTube community, because of his relevancy as a YouTube vlogger. Do your research and find what is culturally relevant in regards to your video. Title’s are meant to spark curiosity and excitement as to what the viewer can expect. Pair that with a solid thumbnail and you will achieve the result you’re looking for.

5. Give your viewer a reason to comment

Okay! So now you have your engaging video that has an appealing title and thumbnail and retains the viewer. Sounds like you’ve got everything good to go, right? Unfortunately, no.

Like I’ve said time and time before, the internet is very over-saturated with video. Unless you already have a large following, nobody is watching your videos without great engagement numbers. Why is this though?

Simple answer, algorithms. These are the bread and butter as to whose videos go viral and whose videos collect dust. While each social media platform has their own algorithms, they all relatively work the same way. In order to get the algorithm working on your side, you not only need to have a lot of views, likes and outstanding watch time, but you need higher levels of engagement. Specifically, you need comments and shares. People can comment for a number of reasons, but to ensure that more people are commenting, you and your video need to encourage this kind of engagement. Whatever your subject matter is, encourage your audience to comment by raising a topic. Ask a question about your viewer that will make them feel a part of your brand and community and encourage them to engage with other fans. No matter the comment, as long as others are commenting and sharing ideas in the comments, your video has a great shot at landing on more peoples screens, and hopefully, going viral.

A good video will always naturally be shared. But if you follow these tips above, your video content will have a much better chance at achieving the numbers and ideally conversions that your brand needs to grow and remain relevant in this crazy world of infinite video content.

Check out some examples of engaging video content

Written by Aaron Shafer

Aaron is a digital media professional and founder of the video marketing agency, FIN Creative. He specializes in video strategy, production and editing for brands and eCommerce businesses. Aaron has helped countless YouTube channels and brands grow through the conception and execution of effective social media videos. Learn more about FIN Creative.